Monday, April 19, 2010

Iceland Rocks

While airline travel suffers and the inconvenience mounts in Europe, it's time to step back and analyze the underlying cause of the volcanic ash. Mother Nature is reminding us once again that we are only visitors to her planet.
Iceland is a geologist's dream. Truly fascinating to those with an interest in Earth Sciences, this part of the world provides endless entertainment.
The North American and Eurasian Plates are drifting apart in Iceland (unlike the Pacific and North American plates which are colliding on the Pacific West Coast of the U.S.) Iceland's Pingvellir rift valley is one of only two places on Earth where this dramatic splitting phenomenon is visible to man.
Lying atop the Mid Atlantic Ridge, Iceland is perched with molten lava only 5-20 km below as it moves in a northwesterly direction over a hot spot. One hundred volcanoes populate the area more than willing to accommodate the explosive lava below.
This recent grounding of planes is most unusual. However, the widespread area of volcanic ash is a mild display in the annals of history. The power of nature will always dazzle me. Nevertheless, I do send my best wishes to those affected adversely by this latest event.

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