Saturday, March 20, 2010

Coming April 2010

"The Barbary Pirates" by William Dietrich is coming in hardcover April 2010 from Harper.
Following is an excerpt:
"Smith was a bone hunter, too, and theories were rife about what kinds of ancient calamities might have wiped out ancient animals. Flood or fire? Cold or heat? Cuvier was also intrigued by my mention of the word "Thira," which I'd read on medieval gold foil unearthed during my North American adventure. A particularly evil woman named Aurora Somerset had seemed to think the scroll had some importance, and Cuvier told me Thira, also known as Santorini, was a Greek island of great interest to European mineralogists because it might be the remains of an ancient volcano."
"Might be the remains of an ancient volcano"...? Is the remains of an ancient volcano! After you finish reading "Cataclysm in Blue Water," continue the fun with picking up a copy of "The Barbary Pirates."

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